Research interests
I work in computational neuroscience and machine learning, bringing in tools from complex systems, information theory and statistics, to try to understand how the brain acquires, stores, and processes information. To do so, I employ both analytic methods and numerical simulations/optimization.
One of my main lines of work focuses on understanding how the brain encodes and deals with uncertainty, training biologically plausible recurrent neural networks to perform sampling-based probabilistic inference. I apply these tools to the study of perception in neurotypical subjects and in autism spectrum disorders.
I also work in the field of algorithmic fairness, where the goal is to audit biases in ML systems in terms of protected attributes, understand the origin of these biases and how to mitigate them. We focus on ML systems for medical images and biomedical signals.

Sampling-based representation of uncertainty in the context of Bayesian inference.

Dr. Rodrigo Echeveste
Adjunct Researcher (CONICET)
Adjunct Professor (FICH, UNL)
Santa Fe, Argentina
Ciudad Universitaria UNL,
Ruta Nacional Nº 168, km 472.4,
FICH, 4to Piso (3000) Santa Fe – Argentina